Monday, January 26, 2015

Reading Response: "Skip the Essay: Have Students Make Prezicasts"

This article, written by Justin P. Jacobson, talks about an idea he came up with to help students learn to present thoughts and ideas without writing an essay. Jacobson argues that most jobs today do not require you to write an essay, but they may require you to come up with new and inventive ways to present your ideas. In his search to find a way to do that he came up with a Prezicast. This concept uses the combination of using a Prezi and screencasting to talk about a topic, hence the word, Prezicast. In order to obtain this the students begin by making a Prezi, a presentation software much like a PowerPoint, that allows a student to be creative with the transitions, pictures, text, etc. After the students make their Prezi they must use screencasting to discuss what their presentation is about. Screencasting allows the students to record their computer screen and their voice at the same time, so they can play it back at a later time or the teacher can grade the assignment outside the classroom. Along with the basic guidelines of how to make a Prezicast, Jacobson gave them a time restriction and informed them they must present it like an essay with an introduction, thesis, and supporting paragraphs.

I think a Prezicast is a great way to get the students involved in their learning. I know many times during my schooling I dreaded writing essays for classes, and never getting anything out of them. hardly ever retained any of the material because I wasn't involved in my own learning just by writing an essay. Although I do agree that students should be able to show that they can present their ideas in written words, with an introduction, thesis, supporting paragraphs, and conclusions, they also need to know there are other ways to present their ideas that may be more beneficial to them.
I also think a Prezicast is a great start to showing our students how to present to a group or one person, and that good public speaking is essential in the real world. Although, with a Prezicast they are recording their voices instead of giving a presentation in class, I believe it is a leverage, or a tool, to teaching students about formal public speaking versus socialization.

This article follows standard 1 of the ISTE Standards for Students. Standard 1, specifically sub-point b and c, which state that students will "create original works as a means of personal or group expression," and they will also "use models and simulations to explore systems and issues" (ISTE Standards 2008). These standards show the way students are able to show their creative expression with their Prezi, as well as allow the students to look at topics in a new way with the use of technology.

Jacobson, J. P. (2012). Skip the essay: Have students make Prezicasts. Learning & Leading with Technology, 40(4), 34-35.

1 comment:

  1. I like that the students are able to record their voice prior to presenting to their classmates because it will cause the students to automatically revise their recording and even their wording. I can see how this method in learning can especially help English learners in practicing oral presentations. Many of the English learners I worked with primarily dreaded speaking English because they felt that they were being judged but by being able to record and adjust their presentation the student will gain confidence. I can definitely use this learning method for any grade level and possibly encourage the parents of the students to practice with them at home.
    I personally would not eliminate essay writing from the classroom because I view prezicasts more as a tool and not as a means to replace writing. I would definitely use prezicasts prior to writing an essay because it will help the students organize their thoughts.
